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8 Popular Social Media Tools to Automate Content Creation

Popular Social Media Tools to Automate Content Creation

Social Media Marketing – every second person you meet will either talk about trending reels, their favorite podcast, or the creator they started following recently.

Did you know? More than half of the world now uses social media (62.6%)

In such a competitive and ever-evolving social universe, brands must come up with unique ideas to create content on time while targeting the relevant audience. 

How can AI help? 

  • There are a plethora of AI social media tools at our rescue that provide in-depth insights into customers and help you create engaging campaigns across various media channels. 
  • Want to know which social media tools to use for creating outstanding campaigns? 

Read our comprehensive blog & find out!

Benefits of using AI in Social Media Marketing

Certainly! Here are the benefits of using AI in social media marketing :

  • Enhanced Targeting: The AI algorithm helps users to adjust the content and advertisement accordingly. The simplest way to see AI in quantified-target practice is by browsing social media or viewing promoted social media 
  • Personalized Content: One of the common ways to choose one’s AI-driven field is by what pops in their feed, through previous discovery and engagement actions
  • Automated Insights: AI-driven analytics tools offer quick insights into social media performance, enabling marketers to make data-driven choices and refine their tactics for superior outcomes.
  • Chatbots for Customer Service: AI-powered chatbots can answer questions from consumers, offer support, and even carry out transactions on social media sites, all while speeding up response times and raising customer satisfaction.
  • Content Optimization: To increase reach and engagement, AI tools can evaluate the performance of social media content and give suggestions for optimizations like the best time to post, ideal hashtags, and eye-catching images.
  • Sentiment Analysis: AI can monitor social media conversations and report the levels of positivity or negativity about a company, topic, or campaign. In this way, marketers can gain insight into how the public perceives their products and services 
  • Influencer marketing: AI enables brands to identify potential influencers and access relevant data about their reach, engagement rates, and demographics to evaluate and select the most appropriate and powerful influencer for their marketing campaigns
  • Predictive analytics: AI algorithms can predict future trends and customer behavior, which enables marketers to make changes for future campaigns.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Artificial intelligence eliminates the need for manual work by streamlining processes and fine-tuning campaigns, reducing the time and effort it takes to build and manage them.
  • Constant Learning and Improvement: Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can modify their algorithms and recommendations in response to changing user preferences and market situations by continuously learning from past interactions and performance data.

Businesses can gain a competitive edge, strengthen relationships with their target audience, and raise brand awareness by utilizing AI in social media marketing. These actions can all lead to higher returns on investment and conversion rates.

Top AI Social Media Tools for Content Creation

1. Lately.ai


This modern-day social media platform harnesses the power of AI & provides a scalable solution as per your brand’s identity while capturing the target audience. 

What are some of the features of Lately?

  • AI-Assisted Content Production: By evaluating data from several sources, Lately.ai automatically generates interesting social media material through a variety of AI algorithms. This saves advertisers time and effort while ensuring content of the highest quality.
  • Content Optimization: To achieve the best outcomes, the platform optimizes content with artificial intelligence. This covers suggestions for headlines, hashtags, and the best times to publish content for different audiences.
  • Multi-Channel Integration: Through integrations with well-known social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter, Lately.ai enables users to manage all of their accounts from a single dashboard.
  • Performance Analytics: Now you can monitor the success of social media platforms and get insights on click-through rates, engagement rates, and audience demographics.
  • Content Scheduling: You don’t have to manage scheduling as this powerful AI content scheduling tool helps you build a consistent social media presence well in advance.

Lately.ai enables marketers to create, optimize, integrate multiple channels, perform performance analytics, and schedule content using AI-driven processes, thereby streamlining their social media marketing efforts.

2. feedly.com


Feedly helps users track trends & topics for business growth.

What are some of the features of Feedly?

  • Customized Content Aggregation: Users may construct a single, adaptable feed with content from multiple websites, including news sites, blogs, and YouTube channels.
  • Customized Feeds: Feed customization is an option available to users based on their preferences, interests, and selected topics.
  • Keyword Alerts: Feedly allows you to set up keywords and phrases for keyword alerts. Users receive notifications whenever anything with certain keywords or titles is published online.
  • Save for Later: Using this tool, you can bookmark articles, blogs, and other types of content for later. This feature will be especially useful for users who wish to save content for later use or when they have more time to interact with it.
  • Collaborative Boards: This feature encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing among teams & communities. They may discuss and share material with friends, colleagues, and other users.
  • Feedly’s seamless integration: Its simple integration allows users to save, organize, and share content across multiple platforms with ease. It’s among the greatest AI social media tools because of a variety of third-party apps and services including Pocket, Evernote, and Buffer.

3. Buffer


If you want to grow your business organically, Buffer is the right platform for you.

What are some of the features of Buffer?

  • Social Media Management: Buffer makes it easy to set up social media posts across several platforms, saving both time and effort for businesses. 
  • Content Calendar: Users can plan and organize their social media content easily with Buffer. They have the option of a content calendar view, which helps them post on a regular basis.
  • Analytics and Insights: Buffer’s analytics tools give users useful information regarding social media performance, allowing them to modify their strategy and gain greater awareness of audience engagement.
  • Teamwork: Streamline the social media management processes by assigning tasks, providing access, and facilitating teamwork.
  • Customizable Scheduling: To maximize reach and engagement, Buffer provides customized posting schedules to meet the time zones and demographics of particular audiences.
  • RSS Feed Integration: Publish content from RSS feeds to social media profiles automatically to keep followers interested with new, relatable posts.

4. Flick.social

Flick social

Flick.social is revolutionizing the social media outlook with its innovative features and user-friendly interface.

What are some of the features of Flick.social?

  • Privacy Controls: Users are able to customize their sharing choices in a safe and secure online environment.
  • Community Engagement: The platform encourages interactions between users by providing features like comments, likes, and shares.
  • Monetization: With the help of Flick.social, content producers can generate income from sponsored content, advertisements, and premium content.
  • Global Reach: Flick.social’s user base is worldwide, providing chances to interact with individuals from various nations and cultures, promoting cross-cultural communication & collaboration.
  • In-App Messaging: Using in-app messaging to interact with friends and followers is a simple way to foster long-term relationships and teamwork.
  • Improved Search Functionality: This social media AI tool utilizes parameters like location, hashtags, and content category to find new content and users quickly.
  • Verified Accounts: Verified accounts give the platform the utmost credibility and validity while helping users in finding trustworthy sources of information and content.
  • Constant Innovation: To improve user experience and keep up with changing industry trends, Flick.social is dedicated to constant innovation and frequently releases new features and improvements.

5. Canva


Canva is an impressive tool for graphic designers and other visual producers, and it was made with both individuals and corporations in mind. Because of its wide accessibility, and rich feature set, this platform is favored by both experts and beginners alike.

What are some of the features of Canva?

  • Friendly User Interface: The use of Canva is very simple even for beginners. With its drag-and-drop feature, anyone with no design knowledge may produce stunning designs.
  • Versatile Design Tools: A wide variety of design tools, such as customized templates for social media posts, presentations, posters, and more, are available on Canva with additional features. Not only can users choose from thousands of templates, but they can also start from scratch and access a library of photos, icons, fonts, and graphics. 
  • Features for Collaboration: The team features of Canva provide user collaboration by enabling simultaneous work on a single design project. The ability for team members to instantly publish comments, make recommendations, and make changes can speed up the design process.
  • Brand Kit Integration: Canva’s Brand Kit allows customers to upload custom fonts, logos, and color schemes to preserve brand coherence across all designs.
  • Integration with Third-Party Platforms: Canva easily interfaces with a number of third-party tools like Mailchimp, Dropbox, and Google Drive, to streamline processes and make file and design access simpler. 

Canva has the tools and resources that will help you bring your creative ideas to life. Recognize Canva’s ability to explore infinite design possibilities.

6. CoSchedule


CoSchedule is a flexible platform that helps companies of every kind improve and expedite their marketing initiatives. CoSchedule’s feature enables users to effectively manage social media, content, and marketing initiatives.

What are some of the features of CoSchedule?

  • Integrated Editorial Calendar: It helps users to quickly plan, organize, and schedule content for a range of channels by using its editorial calendar. 
  • Social media management: Users can easily use this AI content creation tool to create astounding campaigns to maximize visibility and interaction on all platforms.
  • Team Collaboration: Now, social media teams can discuss ideas, assign tasks, and monitor progress in real time by using integrated collaboration tools. 
  • Content Optimization: To enhance SEO results, improve content strategy, and increase organic traffic, make use of strong analytics and optimization tools.
  • Automate repetitive tasks: It makes social media managers work easy with speedy social media posting, email marketing, and content distribution, saving time and streamlining workflows.

Essentially, CoSchedule gives marketers the ability to precisely and easily plan, carry out, and evaluate their campaigns—a process that ultimately spurs growth and success.

7. ContentStudio.io 


With the purpose of efficiently streamlining digital marketing initiatives, ContentStudio.io is a dynamic platform for social media management and content marketing. Users can effectively curate, create, schedule, and analyze content across multiple channels with ContentStudio’s suite of powerful features.

What are some of the features of ContentStudio?

  • Curating content: Enhance your content strategy by easily finding trending topics and relevant content from a variety of sources.
  • Content Creation: Using integrated tools like the image editor and content composer, social teams can easily create captivating content that will engage viewers and maintain brand consistency. 
  • Social Media Management: Save time and maximize reach by streamlining social media publishing and scheduling across platforms.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: This AI social media tool can provide insightful information about the performance of content, facilitating data-driven decision making to increase ROI for businesses.
  • Workflow Automation: Increase productivity and efficiency by automating repetitive tasks like social media posting and content publication.

8. Jasper.ai


Jasper is an AI Copilot for marketing teams who want quick and effective results. Jasper is mostly used by writers to amplify their writing efforts.

What are some of the features of Jasper?

  • Content Generation: It helps users get over writer’s block and improve their writing by providing ample features, such as the ability to generate blog posts, articles, social media posts, and more.
  • Personalized Suggestions: It provides recommendations that are specific to the user’s writing style, tone, and intended readership, guaranteeing correlation in their material.
  • Grammar and Style Correction: Jasper.ai assists users in adhering to style requirements and maintaining grammatical accuracy.
  • Time-saving: It helps writers focus on the creative aspects of their work by automating tedious tasks and offering immediate feedback.

Jasper.ai transforms the writing process by empowering users to support AI to produce engaging content more effectively and efficiently.

How AI can Improve Social Media Advertising?

AI has revolutionized social media advertising by offering unique capabilities to target, and personalize campaigns. Here’s how AI enhances social media advertising:

  • Advanced Targeting: AI uses enormous volumes of user data to identify behaviors, interests, and demographics. This information helps marketers target their audience precisely. They can maximize ad performance and return on investment by reaching the most relevant users with the strength of AI algorithms.
  • Customized Content: AI enables the dynamic creation and modification of content based on user choices and behaviors. Personalized advertisements have the power to not only capture viewers’ interest but also strengthen bonds with them. They can be customized to appeal to specific audiences with machine learning algorithms, boosting interaction and conversion rates.
  • Real-time Optimization: AI algorithms dynamically modify targeting parameters, ad creative, and bidding strategies based on metrics like click-through rates, conversions, and engagement. 
  • Predictive analytics: Predictive analytics helps with the optimization of advertising expenses by identifying the most promising places for advertising. AI predicts future trends and user behavior by analyzing historical data and current patterns.  
  • Chatbots and Customer Service: Artificial intelligence (AI)–powered chatbots enhance user experience by quickly answering questions from clients and providing support. With chatbots, marketers can interact with consumers in the interim, solve their issues, and increase conversions on social media platforms.  
  • Social media advertising has undergone a revolution thanks to artificial intelligence, which has made it possible for precise targeting, personalized content, rapid optimization, future analytics, and better customer service. 

Make Most of AI for Social Media Analytics

  • Using artificial intelligence to its full potential in social media analytics offers a game-changing opportunity to quickly and effectively uncover priceless insights in this era of digital supremacy.
  • AI systems are skilled at collecting vast amounts of data quickly, and  provide companies insightful knowledge about the attitudes, tastes, and patterns of their customers. AI-driven tools can find patterns and trends of user-generated data that human analysts might miss, giving a comprehensive understanding of audience behavior.
  • AI can predict future trends by examining past data and finding patterns. This helps businesses to make quick changes to their strategies and seize new opportunities.
  • The two benefits of integrating AI into social media analytics are enhancing decision-making procedures and optimizing workflow efficiency, automating repetitive processes like reporting, analysis, and data collection.
  • Businesses can gain actionable insights, personalize marketing efforts, and ensure growth through opportunities provided by AI-operated social media analytics.

AI-powered chatbots for Social Media Customer Service

  • Businesses now have a cutting-edge way to improve customer engagement and expedite support procedures with AI-powered chatbots for social media customer service.
  • These AI-driven chatbots communicate with clients in real-time, answering questions right away by effectively resolving problems. Businesses can provide flawless customer experiences, increase customer satisfaction, and eventually increase sales by integrating AI chatbots into social media platforms.
  • AI chatbot capacity to manage a high volume of queries concurrently, ensuring timely responses even during peak times, is one of its major benefits.
  • Furthermore, these bots pick up new skills from interactions all the time, so they get better at recognizing and meeting the needs of their users. Stronger brand loyalty is created as a result of increased accuracy and customized support. 
  • They also provide organizations with sophisticated data analytics on consumer behavior and preferences, enabling them to make informed decisions and modify their marketing strategies accordingly.
  • They save organizations a significant amount of money while simultaneously improving customer happiness.

At last,

  • AI-driven tools are essential resources for contemporary companies looking to provide outstanding content & engage with their audience on social media channels. With the latest advances in artificial intelligence, businesses may enhance their online presence, drive growth, and build a competitive edge.
  • We hope this write-up will help you choose the best AI tools for social media to enhance your current marketing efforts. 

Our featured AI Tools 🤖

Stay upto date with bank of AI Tools listed in our database.


⭐ 4.5 stars

Looka is AI design maker tool can help you create stunning graphics effortlessly.Turns your idea into reality with this amaxing tool.


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Homeworkify helps students, instructors, and learners by offering extensive, explanatory solutions to queries from a variety of parts.


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MURF.AI is widely applicable in audiobook production, voiceover services, and the development of voice-enabled applications.


⭐ 4.5 stars

Canva is An excellent tool for developing visual material for social networking. The site provides a wide choice of templates for all types of designs, including social media posts, infographics, and more.
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