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Glassix AI

⭐ 4 stars

AI-powered customer support, Unified inbox, and chatbot platform.
Pricing Model: Paid
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Glassix is an AI-powered customer support and messaging platform allowing businesses to communicate with their customers via multiple channels and deploy generative AI omnichannel chatbots across various channels.


AI-Powered Unified Inbox:

Glassix offers an AI-powered centralized hub for all customer communications, consolidating messages from various channels like WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, social media, email, and SMS into a single, streamlined inbox.

Conversational AI with GPT-4 Integration:

The platform utilizes the advanced capabilities of conversational AI, coupled with the powerful GPT-4 engine, to understand and respond to customer inquiries effectively, providing a more human-like interaction.

Drag-and-Drop (No code) Chatbot Flow Builder:

Users can easily create and customize chatbot flows with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, enabling quick deployment of automated responses and interactions without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

One-Click Chatbot Deployment:

Glassix allows for seamless deployment of chatbots across various communication channels with just a single click, significantly simplifying the process of setting up automated customer support.

Auto-Suggested Replies:

The platform provides real-time suggestions for replies based on the context of customer interactions, aiding support agents in delivering prompt and accurate responses.

Automatic Tagging of Conversations:

Glassix automatically categorizes and tags conversations, making it easier for support teams to organize, prioritize, and retrieve customer interactions.

One-Click Conversation Summaries:

Users can generate concise summaries of customer conversations with a single click, enabling quick understanding and follow-up on customer issues and requests.

Generative AI Chatbots:

The platform supports the deployment of advanced generative AI chatbots, capable of handling complex and varied customer interactions, ensuring a high level of engagement and satisfaction.

Omnichannel Integration:

Glassix provides a seamless experience across all customer touchpoints, ensuring consistency and quality in customer interactions, whether it’s through messaging apps, social media, or traditional channels like email and SMS.

Pros & Cons


  • Easy to use and intuitive interface
  • Best pricing and plans for small businesses and startups
  • Supporting 5 languages
  • Outstanding customer support team 24/7


  • Not many tutorials and documentation about the AI features suite
  • Might be complex for non-technical users to get started
  • Not a lot of one-click integrations – must use their open API to build your own

Pricing & Plans 

  Free   Starter  Growth   Enterprise
  $0   $49   $65    Custom
  • Free trial: Enjoy a 30-day free trial – No CC required!
  • Starter: Get started with as little as 1 user for $49 per user / per month
  • Growth: Get started with as little as 2 users for $65 per user / per month
  • Enterprise: Got a bigger team than 10 users? Need enterprise features, contact us to get a custom offer tailored to your specific needs.
  • Get a 15% discount for an annual subscription for the Starter plan.
  • Get a 20% discount for the annual subscription for the Growth plan.

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